Hi, November 1, 2014
We had a very busy, but fun week!
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week was exciting with visitors each day and fun ways to dress up. Our school had an essay contest for Red Ribbon Week and students from our class won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! Congratulations to Celine, Jordan, and Sebastien! Great job!
Pen Pals
Our pen pals came to visit on Tuesday and it was wonderful! The kids shared their personal narratives and their reflections pieces about making the world a better place. They talked to their pen pals about their thoughts on ways to make the world a better place and some of their favorite places. Then they all painted, played with play dough, drew, wrote poems, and played games together. We will see them again in December.
Expository Writing!
We completed our expository writing pieces on Friday! Expository writing explains and gives examples. We wrote lots of entries about things that we noticed around the school and pushed our thinking to make realizations about the observations. We also thought about some of our favorite things, places, people, sports, time of year, etc…. and chose one to write a central idea with supporting details and a strong conclusion. Very nice job, writers!
We are reading expository writing and worked on some poetry this week as well. Shel Silverstein wrote many poems and books of poetry. We read and examined one of his poems-Enter this Deserted House. We read it, noticed the stanzas and the rhyming pattern, and discussed the meaning for us. Then we watched two videos with different images interpreting this poem. One had beautiful images of nature then some spookier images and the reader changed the pace and intensity in his voice to make it suspenseful. The other video was very spooky and had some images from the old movie Psycho. It was interesting to see how different people can interpret the same words in very different ways. We will be discussing more poetry this week.
We will also be writing lots of poems in the next few weeks. We will be taking a writing CBA , which will give us some data and information about the progress of our students so far in writing.
Social Studies
We are finishing up our region projects! We will be presenting them to each other this week and will let you know about a time that you will be invited to come and see our projects as well. We will now start learning about Native people in Texas.
Dates to Remember
Monday, Nov. 3-Reading Logs due, Tutorials from 2:45-3:45, Running Club 2:45-3:15pm
Tuesday, Nov. 4-Walk/Bike to School Day, Tutorials from 2:45-3:45, Choir practice 2:50, Sr. Choir Concert-6:30 pm
Wednesday, Nov. 5-Reading summary and response due
Thursday, Nov. 6-Service Club Meeting from 2:45-3:45, Report cards go home
Friday, Nov. 7-Reading summary and response due, Spirit Day-Wear green, purple, or school shirt
Monday, Nov. 10-Reading Logs due, tutorials from 2:45-3:45
Tuesday, Nov. 11-Veteran’s Day Program at 9:00 am for 3-5, Veterans eat breakfast for free, Tutorials from 2:45-3:45, TAG Parent Information Night-6:30-7:15 pm
Wednesday, Nov. 12-Reading summary and response due
Thursday, Nov. 13-Writing Club Meeting from 2:45-3:45, PTA Family Night at Austin Pizza 5:00 pm, Reflections Gallery Night at 5:00 pm
Friday, Nov. 14-Reading summary and response due, Spirit Day-Wear green, purple, or school shirt
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm!
Pam Bartholomew
A place for my students, our families, our friends, and me to comment and reflect on our lives in our classroom.
Bartholomew Bats!
Our school is located in Round Rock, Texas which is near Austin. Austin and Round Rock both have huge populations of Mexican Free Tailed Bats that live under our bridges. A colony of bats lives beneath the Ann Richards/Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin and in Round Rock, another colony resides under the Interstate 35 bridge over McNeil Road. Each evening from March to about October, the bats fly out from beneath the bridge and search for insects to eat. The emergence of the bats is a wonder to watch. We are also thankful that all these millions of bats eat the bugs by our homes.
Our class mascot is the Bat to honor the mammals that live so close to us and help us. (also because Bat and Bartholomew both start with the letter B!) The bats in Central Texas live together in a group and help take care of the young. Then they migrate together as a team. Our class will also live together in our classroom, work together as a team, and help each other out. We are the Bartholomew Bats!
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