I hope you all are enjoying your weekend and were able to enjoy time with family and friends.
Social Studies Projects: We are working on Texas Hero projects. Information is attached. We are trying to use the Google Classroom Planning page to record research for our person, but if using a paper copy is better for your child, then that is fine. This project will receive a grade for the planning paper (hard copy or turned into Google Classroom), the project (poster, cereal box, computer slide show, etc....) and the presentation. The planning paper and project will be due on April 24. Then we will begin presentations. We will work on the projects in class, but the students may need to complete them at home. There are websites for each Texas Hero on my website (Bartholomew Bat Cave) under the Social Studies Link. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I can't wait to see the creative ways that the kids show what they know and teach us about some Texas Heroes!
Starting Monday, April 17th we will start a recycling contest for all grade levels. HEB is partnering with us to recycle plastic grocery bags. Students will be asked to bring their plastic grocery bags to school, and collect them as a class. On Thursday, we will collect the bags to see which class class collected the most bags. The winner will be announced on Friday and the entire class will be awarded a prize.
MONDAY: Give a hoot, don't pollute! Students please pick up trash on your walk to school or during recess, to keep our environment clean.
TUESDAY: Earth Day every day! Students please bring a reusable water bottle to school to prevent plastic pollution.
WEDNESDAY: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Students pack your lunches with reusable containers to reduce waste.
THURSDAY: Get into the green scene! Coyotes wear green today to celebrate Earth Week.
FRIDAY: Show you care, do your share! Turn off lights when you leave a room. Save water by taking shorter showers, and turn the water off when brushing teeth or washing your face. Students are also encouraged to plant the Sunflower seeds given out at the last Walk and Bike to school day with their family to show how we love our planet Earth.
Our neighborhood HEB will be taking all our plastic bags and recycling them. On Earth Day, HEB provides paper bags for their customers. They have asked our students to decorate brown bags to use in their store on EarthDay. Thanks to Mrs. Arnold for including this project in her curriculum again this year.
If you have any questions, please contact Whitney Kelley at whitneyclaire7@yahoo.com
Monthly Reading Challenge for April is to read an award winning book. (novel-about 100 pages) Mrs. Smith has also given the students an April Book Bingo Challenge. They can win food coupons for Mighty Fine and other places for completing the Book Bingo. The kids can turn in notecards for books read to have them count for the 40 Book Challenge. Have fun and keep reading!!!!!
Field Trip forms came home on Thursday. The permission slip is pink. We will travel to the Bob Bullock Museum on Tuesday, May 2. Let me know if you want to be a volunteer chaperone for the trip. Be sure that you are up to date with your Volunteer Application through RRISD and are an approved volunteer. Here is the link: RRISD volunteer application
Kids Kicking Out Hunger Kickball Tournament-On May 7, we will participate in a kickball tournament against Gattis, Blackland Prairie, and Cactus Ranch Elementary Schools. To play, fill out the form and bring it in with $10. All money will go to Copprome Orphanage in Honduras. We will also collect food for the Round Rock Serving Center. Our sponsors will provide you with a FCE Kickball t-shirt to wear on the day of the event. When you register, you will get an email with a google form to fill out t-shirt sizes and give you more information. You can create your own team or register and we will place you on a team. We can't wait to see you there!!!!!! Ask me or Mrs. Shogan if you have any questions.
FCE Coyote Carnival-April 21-Thank you to the people who were able to donate items and/or gift cards for our Sweet Treats Class Auction Basket. Thank you to Mrs. Alexander for putting our basket together. Food will be sold the night of the carnival - check out this flyer for all the details! Questions? Please contact Laila Gregory at fcepta.carnival@gmail.com.
Volunteers needed for the Carnival on April 21-We cannot pull off this huge event without your help!
- We need 107 Adult volunteer hours and we only have 42% filled. Even if you can’t help the evening of the carnival, we need lots of help during the day, too!
Adult Volunteers -
- We need another 96 Student volunteer hours so please have your middle school and/or high school students sign up here
- If you can’t give your time, please consider volunteering baked goods for our Bake Sale -
- Ask your child’s teacher if they need help putting together their silent auction item
- Ask your child’s homeroom parent if they need help putting together the class basket for the raffle
Please contact Danielle Martinez at fcepta.volunteer@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Read about our week:
Reading-We had a fun egg hunt while practicing for STAAR. We read a poem from a released STAAR test and I cut the questions and answer choices and put them into plastic eggs. I hd the eggs around the room and the kids found them and answered the questions. It was a fun way to practice some test taking strategies. We will continue to practice test taking strategies as we read our book club books and talk about them. Ask your child about his/her reading.
Writing-We will continue to work on poems, narratives, and expository pieces for Rising Star and we will write about our mentors. We will also work on writing some fantasy stories.
Vocabulary- We worked on multiple meaning words last week and will practice academic reading words this week. Go to quizlet.com and practice using some fun games. We will have a test on 4/21/17 on the Reading Review Words and Academic Vocabulary for Reading Words.
Spelling-Comparatives and Superlatives are words that we will study this week for spelling. Comparatives compare two things. My cat is softer than your cat. Your house is bigger than my house. Superlatives are words that compare more than two things. Joe is the oldest brother in the family. She is the smartest person on the team. We will practice spelling these types of words as well as some of our individual words this week.
Social Studies-Texas Heroes Projects-We will continue researching a Texas Hero for a project due on April 24, 2017. The kids will choose a hero, will research that hero, and choose a way to present the hero to the class. See the note above.
Dates to remember:
Monday, April 17-Wear College Shirts, Service Club from 2:50-3:50-Rising Star Entries due to teachers-Return field trip permission slips.
Thursday, April 20-Wear Green and bring in those plastic grocery bags to recycle!
Friday, April 21-Reading Response Letters Due, SpellingTest, Vocabulary Test on Reading Vocabulary Words. Be sure to turn in completed reading logs. Wear FCE shirts or purple or green-Kickball Tournament Registration Due on Monday-FCE Coyote Carnival from 5:30-9:00
Monday, April 24-Wear College Shirts, Writing Club from 2:50-3:50-Bond Election Early Voting Opens
Friday, April 28-Reading Response Letters Due, SpellingTest, Be sure to turn in completed reading logs. Wear FCE shirts or purple or green.STEAM DAY-Presenters needed- contact lorilyn_brown@roundroc kisd.org or laura_queton@roundrockisd.org.
volunteers needed: http://www.signupgenius.com/go /10c0f4aa8ab2aaaf58-forest
Monday, May 1-Wear College Shirts, Service Club from 2:50-3:50
Tuesday, May 2-4th Grade Field Trip to the Bob Bullock Museum
Friday, May 5-Reading Response Letters Due, SpellingTest, Be sure to turn in completed reading logs. Wear FCE shirts or purple or green
Sunday, May 7-Kids Kicking Out Hunger Kickball Tournament 12-4pm at Gattis Elementary School
Monday, May 8-STAAR Testing-4th grade Math-No Writing Club
Tuesday, May 9-STAAR Testing-4th grade Reading
Thursday, May 11-Rising Star Night-6:00 pm
Friday, May 12-Reading Response Letters Due, SpellingTest, Be sure to turn in completed reading logs. Wear FCE shirts or purple or green
Monday, May 15-Wear College Shirts, Last Service Club of the year from 2:50-3:50
Friday, May 19-Reading Response Letters Due, SpellingTest, Be sure to turn in completed reading logs. Wear FCE shirts or purple or green-Field Day 4th Grade-12:30-2:30
Monday, May 22-Wear College Shirts, Last Writing Club of the year from 2:50-3:50
Thursday, May 25-Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast-7:30, PTA General Meeting at 8:00
Friday, May 26-Reading Response Letters Due, SpellingTest, Be sure to turn in completed reading logs. Wear FCE shirts or purple or green
Monday, May 29-No school-Memorial Day
Thursday, June 1-Last Day of School- End of the year party TBA
Thank you for sharing your child with me. Let me know if you have any concerns.

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